Time flies…when you are learning and growing at LCA!!
Wow! Where do we even begin! We have so much to catch everyone up on!
The months have been flying by and our little ones have been working so hard! Just thinking back to September, we can see how the kids have grown during their time in LCA both socially and academically. However, we think what we love the most, is seeing the strong friendships that every child has made.
Each day we have placed such a large emphasis on play by reinforcing imaginative play, cooperative play, and of course at times, independent play. As the great Mr. Rogers said, “Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning,” and our dramatic play centers have been the perfect addition to help every child enhance their play skills! From our “LCA Flower Shop,” to the post office and the “Little Corner Academy Pizza Place,” the children have been using their imagination to make these centers come alive. We can’t wait to introduce our final dramatic play center in just one more week!
Throughout the last few weeks, we have celebrated the birthday of Dr. Suess, planted flowers and corn, explored bugs and the weather, and learned all about our five senses and recycling. We have also continued to develop our fine and gross motor skills through our exercise unit along with our daily occupational therapy sessions.
Our Little Corner Academy kiddos were excited to welcome our new speech pathologist to our program, the wonder Mrs. Yvonne, who has been working so incredibly hard as she creates many wonderful activities to reinforce social and play skills with our children. Everyone has been enjoying acting out Matt and Molly stories, practicing turn taking for games and to create crafts, and using language to participate in social interactions.
As our year winds down, we will be completing our spring informal assessments for each child to send home on their last day of LCA the week of May 23rd. We will be introducing our last unit of LCA, animals/pets, and we will also be making our butterfly garden which the kids absolutely LOVE! We have one exciting, jam-packed month left!